SUFP sent one of our amazing volunteers to the Lancaster Shelter to pull Roxy!!  From there Roxy went to a vet to get a medical check and clearance to travel to her foster home. Roxy is being given time to decompress from being in the shelter and of course lots of love.

Lucky Paws Rescue in Washington State has agreed to take Roxy into their rescue and will be handling her adoption into what will have to be an exceptional home. This group is located in Washington State. SUFP will continue to our support for Roxy by networking her when she is ready for her forever home.

We want to thank every one of you who shared Roxy and we will continue to post her journey every step of the way. We cannot wait to get this girl out of there and let her healing begin. She is clearly fully of love and deserves every bit of love back.

Stay tuned good humans!!!!!! We will post more updates today as they unfold.

Thank you Rita Earl for the new video of this unicorn being precious today and to Andrea at Hello Pittie Rescue for all your help.


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