NEW Spay & Neuter ANGEL DAY 2022 merchandise available now for only 7 days! CLICK HERE TO BUY!
Spay & Neuter Angel Day was created in loving memory of Angel who passed April 2nd, 2016. This desperately needed national initiative has and continues to help humans and pit bull type dogs in underserved communities all over the United States. Next month begins the 6th and 280 pit bull type dogs will be getting fixed fully funded by the @standupforpitsfoundation. If we are going to lower shelter intake and euthanasia (killing) numbers in shelters we have got to make spaying and neutering a priority. Never buy dogs, adopt. Period.
Proceeds from these hoodies and tees will go directly to the Spay & Neuter Angel Day initiative.
Buy it, wear it, educate and help save lives. #standupforpits #responsiblepetownership #spay #neuter #pitbulltypedog #neverbuydogs #adopt #rescue #foster #inherentlygood #angelforever
Thank you @_pamtera__ for always making Angel look beautiful ❤️


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