17 more pit bull “type” dogs helped yesterday by our national Spay & Neuter Angel Day initiative in Louisiana! We could not be happier to be helping so many humans and hippos in the community. The help is desperately needed and is making an important impact one velvet unicorn at a time.
#standupforpits #spayandneuterangelday2022 #inherentlygood #spayandneuter #pitbulltypedog #responsiblepetownership #louisiana #solution
REPOST Spay Nation
There’s no better way to start a rainy day then to be greeted by 17 ”velvet hippos”. Today is Angel Day, the true founder of Stand Up for Pits Foundation . These lucky pits spay/neuter surgery, rabies vaccination, pain meds, and e-collars are sponsored by @standupforpitsfoundation in Angels name. If you would like to know more about Angel and her story go to standupforpits.us!


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