REPOST by Animals R Family
A total of 12 pit bull type dogs are in surgery and getting fixed right now!
Million thanks to Rippowam Animal Hospital for performing the surgeries.
Million thanks to Stand Up For Pits Foundation, Inc (SUFP) for covering the entire costs for the day. All this will be done in memory of SUFP Founder Rebecca Corry ‘s late pit bull Angel.
All dogs are getting free of charge:
🐶  spay/neuter
🐶  rabies vaccine
🐶  microchip
🐶  nail trim
🐶  e-collar
🐶  take home pain meds
The ONLY way to reduce the amount of pitties dumped at shelters is to spay/neuter. The ONLY way to reduce the amount of pitties slaughtered in shelters is to spay/neuter.
We can not rescue – and we can not adopt – our way out of the current crisis! There is a mass slaughter of loving, perfect pit bulls going on every day across the country. Spay / neuter is the only way! Please support spay/neuter efforts wherever you live!
