Yesterday in NY/CT we helped some more good humans and their inherently good dogs through our national Spay & Neuter Angel Day program!! This desperately needed effort lowers shelter intake and kill numbers so if you’re gutted by seeing how many amazing dogs are suffering and dying in shelters then support spay & neuter. It’s that simple. Share this post. Donate to our Angel Day fundraiser at the link in our BIO. Help a friend or neighbor get their dog spayed or neutered. Edcuate any and everyone who will listen. Support prevention and solution driven efforts in your area however and whenever you can. Posts like these don’t get shared like they should. People aren’t excited about spay & neuter yet it is a real and viable solution so change that and get excited. Lives are depending on it.
HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! 🎉Free Spay/Neuter Day For Pit Bulls🎉
All these house hippos are getting spayed and neutered right now! Their responsible owners brought them in to make sure they never reproduce and never add to the massive pet overpopulation problem we have.
This is how we save thousands of lives now and for years to come. This is the ONLY way to decrease the amount of pit bulls killed in shelters every day.
All the costs are being covered by Stand Up For Pits Foundation, Inc and dogs are getting free of charge:
➡️ spay/neuter
➡️ rabies vaccine
➡️ microchip
➡️ nail trim
➡️ cone
➡️ take home pain meds
Million thanks to Stand Up For Pits Foundation, Inc for all you do for so many pit bulls!