My name is Rebecca Corry, I’m Sally’s mom. I wanted to let you know, Sally has died. Not how you intended though. She passed peacefully at home with love, respect and dignity. She took her last breath in my arms as I kissed her tear drenched face while her soulmate Todd quietly watched. I’m not a believer in the stages of grief but if I was, this “stage” would be rage. You see Sally’s abuser, I’m real sick and tired of holding dead family members in my arms, who are gone too soon because of the abuse their bodies and minds have endured at the hands of cunts like you. I don’t know who you are and for your sake you should hope I never do. But I think about you as I navigate these excruciating waves of pain and watch Sally’s soulmate (another abuse survivor) struggling to live without her.
For the past eight years you’ve went about your life free of conscious and consequence while Sally endured several invasive, painful life saving surgeries.
You cut off her ears, repeatedly force bred (raped) her, took her babies from her, neglected her then threw her away like garbage. You broke her little body. She had to have both of her knees replaced, her canine tooth, infected mammary glands, spleen and mast cell tumors removed. Your mental abuse caused her to struggle with separation anxiety, nervousness and fear. You see, Sally had a soul, thoughts, feelings and ideas. She had a sense of humor, was loyal, smart, sensitive, emotional and loved unconditionally. She even loved you, her abuser. Sally made the world a better place and she deserved many more years to lay in the sun with her soulmate but her body could no longer overcome the abuse you put her through. You’ll likely never see this but if you do, I wanted you to know the dog you worked hard at hurting and trying to kill lived a beautiful life and is and will remain one of the faces of a national organization. Sally’s legacy will live on and continue to help save the lives of pit bull type dogs who have been hurt by monsters like you. Dogs are not a danger to society, you and all like you are. I also don’t believe in Karma but if I did, I hope it fucking finds you.
Rebecca and Todd