Our national Spay & Neuter Angel Day program prevents suffering and tragic loss of life. Today we helped save more lives in Tennessee! Unwanted litters of puppies are being dumped at shelters every day. This nightmare is preventable if spaying and neutering was a priority and the laws in place were being enforced. Week old babies are being slaughtered in shelters and this has sadly become the norm. We can feed all the animals in shelters, network them, rescue one at a time and open all the “sanctuaries” and “ranches” in the world but the overpopulation problem will not stop nor will needless loss of life until spaying and neutering becomes the norm. A moretorium on all breeding nationwide would also be helpful but greed clearly far outweighs ethics. So our only option is focussing on solution and prevention driven efforts. Please get excited about spay & neuter. Support it however and whenever you can. Help your community get their dogs spayed and neutered. Just one unaltered female dog and her offspring if also left unaltered can produce and estimated 67,000 dogs over a six year period. There is absolutely no chance we will rescue our way out of this. None. So please take our constant pleas for support for spay and neuter seriously. Donate, share posts, help a friend, neighbor, family member…anyone who will let you… get their dog fixed. Lives are depending on it. Thank you.
Repost @sumnerspayneuteralliance
THIS IS how to have the most impact on shelter intake and euthanasia of shelter animals, everyone in spay/neuter must target specific animals that look like the animals in shelters. So, it is extremely important to us to focus on Pit Bull Type Dogs.
Thank you so much @standupforpitsfoundation for sponsoring all of these surgeries, vaccinations and microchips today for another impactful Spay & Neuter Angel Day! AND, Thank you for helping Pit Bull Type Dogs around the country.
100% Solution focused AND Saving lives through prevention!