The Stand Up For Pits Foundation & Angel Forever Productions presents the world premiere of Saving Jones!
Dances With Films 2024 Audience Award Winner 🏆
Saving Jones will be available to stream worldwide Dec 24th – Dec 29th at @kinemahq!
Ticket pricing and details coming soon!
Saving Jones will only be available for 5 days so save the dates!
“Saving Jones” is a biographical social commentary about the abuse and discrimination of pit bull type dogs as it directly relates to humans. They are the most abused, discriminated against and murdered dogs on earth. This award winning documentary is heartwarming yet tragic and inspiring. Saving Jones takes a truthful look at why what is happening to these inherently good dogs is a direct reflection of a broken society and is in fact everyone’s problem.
#standupforpits #savingjones #inherentlygood #angelforever #sallyforever