Yesterday every dog at the Lancaster Animal Care Center was provided a bed. The Stand Up For Pits Foundation bought 118 heavy duty Kuranda beds volunteers will be built and installed and to show our appreciation for the volunteers, SUFP be fed them all as well as providing every dog a freshly grilled hamburger patty. Yesterday’s bed build effort cost the the Stand Up For Pits Foundation just under $16,000.00. If you would like to be a part of this desperately needed effort you can donate here on the home page. Huge thanks to those of you who have already contributed. You are seen and appreciated.
NO SHELTER DOG SHOULD EVER BE WITHOUT A BED especially in one of the wealthiest cities in America. It’s 2025 and dogs are being forced to lay on freezing cement in and around their own pee and feces while waiting to die. This particular shelter gives the dogs 30 days or less before they are killed so at the very least they deserve the dignity and comfort of a bed. The Los Angeles shelter system has millions of dollars yet SUFP is once again providing essential needs to the dogs failed by our society and system. The SUFP Foundation has been supporting Los Angeles shelters and the precious souls languishing in them for 15 YEARS and it’s horrifying how things have worsened and still nothing is being done to change it. Our “leaders” will pull out all the stops for the Olympics coming to town but literally do nothing to save inherently good lives. The SUFP Foundation continues to offer solutions,demand change and helps however and whenever we can but we need EVERYONE in Los Angeles to HELP! We need those with large platforms to use them for good. We are in a state of emergency and countless innocent lives are being killed every single day in “No Kill” LA.
TODD and GLENDA are both survivors of the Lancaster Animal Care Center we helped yesterday. THEY ALL DESERVE THE CHANCE AT LIFE Glenda and Todd got. Please volunteer, donate and hold leaders and members of society who breed, dump and abandon animals accountable. Thank you.


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