The response to Saving Jones has been incredible! So the run has been extended until February 5th!! You have 30 days to watch from the moment of purchase so if you can’t watch for a while that’s okay but get it now and gift it to others!
It’s important this film get out into the world. Main stream media & platforms have no interest in the truth Saving Jones brings because it makes them and society accountable would force them to stop perpetuating fear based ignorance against voiceless dogs. So it’s on us to get it seen and educate in every way possible every chance we get. Real and immediate change needs to happen and it starts with education. Pit bull type dogs have been wrongly vilified for over 40 years. They are blamed, banned and discriminated against while humans suffer no consequences for the millions they abuse, torture, abandon, force to fight and kill every year in this country and around the world. This makes communitues unsafe for humans and pets. So keep the momenutm going. The resoonse has beem incredible!
🎥Link to Saving Jones
Gifting Saving Jones to those who claims to not be a “dog person.” Send it to every pit bull type dog hater you know and to anyone who doesn’t think what is happening to these dogs effects them. It’s people who like this who need to see Saving Jones more than anyone. Tag and send the film’s trailer, press and reviews to law and and all policy and law makers. Send it to Animal Welfare agengies, those who oversee educational program in schools and universities, especially the school who just hired Vick. Every player, teacher and administrator at Norfolk University should have to watch this film.
Saving JONES is an award winning biographical social commentary about the abuse and discrimination of dogs as it directly relates to human abuse. Pit bull type dogs are the most abused, discriminated against and murdered dogs on earth. Saving Jones is a heartwarming yet tragic, inspiring and truthful look at why what is happening to these inherently good dogs is a direct reflection of a broken society and is everyone’s problem.