BOTH Stand Up For Pits shows are completely SOLD OUT!!! Selling out 2 shows 3 months in advance clearly shows the dedication to this cause and Foundation people have. People flying in from around the country to attend, people offering to volunteer, donating silent auction items, their time and amazing talents is proof that good people with good hearts, are in fact the majority. Ending abuse, discrimination and saving lives is a group effort and we are seeing that effort grow more and more all over the country day by day.
More and more people are understanding that the injustices, abuse and deaths of these dogs is everyone’s problem, that what is being done to them is a direct reflection of the broken societies we are living in and that the violent abuser at the end of the leash is far more dangerous than any dog could ever be. While we have decades of fear based ignorance to clean up, the truth is and always will prevail. We just gotta keep on keepin on because ending abuse and discrimination creates safer communities for humans and pets and we all deserve to live that way.
If you weren’t able to get tickets this time, we will be back next year and of course in other cities around the country in 2016. If you’re in the LA area and want to come donate shelter supplies, meet the adoptable Pibbles and/or buy merchandise from the SUFP Foundation, Ghetto Rescue or Orange County Pit Bull Rescue you are more than welcome to do so starting at 4p. We look forward to seeing you all at what is always a very special night!#standupforpits #Angel