Angel, along with many other dogs between the years of 2007-2010 that came into the South Los Angeles Shelter, were victims of severe chemical burns. The humans responsible for Angel’s abuse were never arrested and to our knowledge no one was arrested for the slew of others it happened to.
The theories we have heard are;
1. Gang initiation
2. Animal testing
3. Attempt to make them “mean.”
4. For fun/cruelty
It has been reported that certain Flea meds can also cause burns, however, the facts and circumstances surrounding these cases and Angel’s do not support the idea that a helpful kind human was trying to prevent a dog they love from having fleas.
Sadly, it would appear the burning of dogs trend is back in full force. Why? Because NOTHING was done about it the first time.
PLEASE REPORT ANIMAL ABUSE of ANY KIND. If you have ANY information regarding dogfighting in Los Angles County, please call 1-877-777-2585.