The nationwide trend of burning dogs continues. It is time our government and EVERYONE in communities all over the country diligently make their voices LOUDLY heard and take action. However things are being “handled” and the “policies” in place now are NOT WORKING. Time for tax paying members of society to take matters into their own hands.

REPORT abuse of any kind by calling 911, animal control and Animal Cruelty Task Force Agencies in your area. Post signs. Go door to door if you have to and let others in your communities know how to report abuse or dogfighting. Organize neighborhood watches. Video record anything you see and post it. Send it to the press. Whatever it takes to remove the option for people to turn a blind eye. Good people outnumber the bad people. We can win.

National dogfighting tip line number is 1-877-TIP-HSUS and the Los Angeles County and surrounding area number is 1-877-777-2585. USE IT! SHARE IT!
No life is safe from sociopaths who abuse animals. Regarless of whether you own a dog or even like animals at all, this effects you and the safety of your loved ones and children. Time to WAKE UP AMERICA!



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