Saying all cops are bad is as ignorant and untrue as saying all pit bull type dogs are bad. That kind of thinking and language perpetuates hate and discrimination and is the exact same stupidity we are fighting against daily for our inherently good dogs. There are many amazing and compassionate law enforcement officers doing tremendous work. Many of which the SUPF Foundation knows and works with.
That said, this kind of ignorance with regards to law enforcement is happening far too often and must stop immediately. Severe and swift punishments should be had and we as members of the communities these men and women are supposed to be serving and protecting need to make it known, loudly, that violence against our dogs will not be tolerated. Law enforcement need mandatory education on dog behavior and how to approach and handle them. Shooting and killing dogs, leaving them in hot police cars or mistreating dogs in any way is NOT and NEVER will be okay. Dogs are helpless and voiceless and too deserve to be respected and protected.
‪#‎standuoforpits‬ ‪#‎educate‬ ‪#‎betheirvoice‬


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