The SUFP Foundation helps lots of dogs and many I never get to meet or kiss but today I got the honor of meeting the inherently beautiful, kind and perfect Kahleesi. This 35 pound little nugget is a victim of severe abuse. This poor soul likely endured heinous acts of violence for 2 years and suffered severe wounds from most likely being used as a bait dog and then she was literally thrown out like garbage. She was found dumped in the yard of an elderly couple in Florida, weighing 17 pounds, with a spinal injury and both legs didn’t work. She laid there for FOUR days until animal control was finally called. Kahleese was then pulled by the amazing rescue called Passion 4 Pits Rescue (@passion4pitsfl-IG) and has now been given a much deserved chance at a life filled with love, respect and kindness. When we heard about Khaleesi, SUFP donated a grant to help with her medical expenses and we shared her story. If you are not familiar with Khaleesi and her journey or the great humans who saved her life be sure to check them out at Thank you Jennifer Myers for setting up this meeting today. You all are amazing humans.

It was an absolute privilege to meet a being who encompasses a spirit unlike anything we as humans could ever comprehend. ‪#‎standupforpits‬‪#‎endabuse‬ ‪#‎enddogfighting‬ ‪#‎khaleesi‬ ‪#‎betheirvoice‬ ‪#‎reportdogfighting‬



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