There may or may not be crying right now. But it is with sheer joy that we get to announce that…..LOLA HAS BEEN ADOPTED!!!
After being unwanted and thrown away for 5 years, today Lola is now wanted and will be treasured and loved forever.
Lola’s new amazing mom’s and they said they will gladly start an IG account for Lola so we can all have the privilege of seeing Lola thrive in her new much deserved life.
We want to thank every one if you who remained diligent in sharing Lola and donated towards her care. So many times people lose interest and move onto the next dog but you all stayed dedicated. That’s what it takes and we thank you.
Huge thanks to Tony @the_pet_handler for sending the Lola updates, photos and videos for us to share.
Huge thank you to Ghetto Rescue for stepping up and taking on the responsibility of handling Lola’s adoption process. You guys walk the walk and we appreciate all you do. For those of you not familiar with Ghetto Rescue, follow them and learn about their mission. They do tremendous work.
Stay tuned for Lola’s IG account info! It’s a great day and a great victory!! Today is now officially deemed LOLA DAY!!!!
#standupforpits #LOLAisADOPTED #LOLAwins