Just over a month ago doctors did x-rays on both of Amala’s back knees because she appeared to be in discomfort since being found on the side of a Los Angeles freeway 4 months ago by her new mom Stefani. Stefani noticed it was hard for her to walk and sit down and though she’d try play, she’d limp during and after and it seemed to be getting worse.

The x-rays showed her right knee ACL had torn then repaired itself, tore again then repaired itself, and tore again over the years. It was so badly injured that the scar tissue buildup was immense and her knee bone had actually started to become malformed. Her left knee ACL was a tear that was hanging on by a thread and one day while playing with a puppy friend of ours, it snapped completely.
Not in a place to handle the cost of replacing both knees and needing help, SUFP was able to step in and cover all costs for Stefani. Today Amala (pictured with her tiny sister, Gloria) is doing GREAT!! She is now running, playing and living pain free for the first time in a very very long time.

Big thanks to Stefani for saving Amala’s life and for staying dedicated to her. Thanks to all of you who support SUFP by donating, going to our live events and purchasing our merch. Your support continues to help save and change so many lives.
#amalawins #standupforpits #worktogether #rescue #foster #adopt #endabuse



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