We haven’t shared any Lola updates out of respect for her and her new loving family but her Mom’s made a public post today on Instagram so now I feel it appropriate to update all of you who too love Lola on what’s been going on.
“We want to start with Lola is fine. She is happy, healthy and completely part of the family.
But, to the surprise of all of us, Lola has epilepsy.
We saw what we thought was a seizure and took her straight to the vet. Blood work, an MRI and spinal tap all came back clear. So it isn’t a brain tumor or disease – and that leaves epilepsy.
We now have her on medicine that should minimize the seizures. Luckily they are “focal seizures”, just her head shakes, and they only last 2-3 minutes.
She isn’t really upset by them and afterward she is perfectly normal.
No one she’s been with these past few months saw her have one, so it’s possible they just started. Or maybe she had them but no one’s been able to watch her 24/7 to see them.
The amazing Stand Up For Pits @rebeccacorry been terrific and totally supportive. They paid for Lola’s neurology tests and MRI, so we start her new life armed with knowledge and without medical debt. They offered to pay her adoption fee, but wonderful Ghetto Rescue @ghettorescue also been 100% behind Lola, waived their fee and offered to pay for her vet visit.
We’ve all been shocked, but we’re all happy knowing Lola’s right where she should be ???. Thanks to everyone who brought her to us, helped us through this and to all of you on Instagram for your love and kindness. It seriously means the world to us!!”-Jenny
We are honored to have been a part of Lola’s long journey from death row to her much deserved happily ever after with you guys. She is a tremendous spirit who deserves the best. I was extremely upset by the news of Lola having seizures and was heartbroken that finally, after all this time and after all she’d overcome and now had finally found you, that she would then have another obstacle to overcome. Yet through all our conversations you managed to remain so positive and calm and often times ended up consoling me while you were the one’s in it. I’m so happy you accepted our help and took Lola to a specialist so we could make sure we knew exactly what we were treating and learn more about the cause and for immediately responding to her condition. I honestly could not be happier that Lola is where she is. With you guys is exactly where she belongs and I thank you for your dedication to her and for all the many updates and for always remaining so calm and positive. You are tremendous humans and our Lola girl hit the jackpot. I would also like to say a GIANT thank you to @ghettorescue who could not be more of a class act. They stayed dedicated and willing help every step of the way. Even when it was hard they were there and ready to help. I say it all the time, these lives that are relying on us require commitment and it is not always easy and can be costly, time consuming, inconvenient, stressful and down right difficult but every single life matters and every single life is worth every second of the work it takes. One last big thanks to all the people who too remained dedicated to Lola’s journey by donating and sharing her with others. Please kiss that perfect little hippo directly on the flaps from us. We thank you and send you and your Lola all the love in the world. ❤❤❤
