We adore Khaleesi and our sending thoughts to her, Passion For Pits in Florida and to all who have dedicated so much time and heart to giving Khaleesi a chance at life. Babesia is a horrible disease and very common among dogs who have been forced to fight and used as bait and often carries a dire prognosis.
Dogfighting is barbaric, soulless, evil and only subhuman monsters not worthy of living in our society are capable of it. The dogfighting epidemic enrages and sickens me to the core and far too many don’t take it seriously or think it’s not happening because they don’t see it or hear about enough. That’s because it’s very underground and hidden and exactly why it is up to US to report these assholes if we suspect, see or know anything and keep raising awareness about it. We outnumber them and have the power to make an impact on these horrors. It means DOING.
To report dogfighting in Los Angeles County call 1-877-777-2585
To report dogfighting nationally call 1-877-TIP-HSUS.
To donate to Khaleesi do so directly to http://www.passion4pits.com
#betheirvoice #endabuse #enddogfighting #reportdogfighting #khaleesi #standupforpits