The Stand Up For Pits Foundation just provided a $1000 grant to a small nonprofit doing great work for pibbles called Pit Sisters. Sugar Mama and Gummy Bear were rescued from a fighting ring and are in need of help. It’s so important people understand what goes into rescuing and rehabilitating victims of the horrors of dogfighting. People are quick to be outraged when these dogs are euthanized andrightfully so, but what is needed in order change that and save lives is more nonprofits stepping up and taking in these dogs and more people opening their homes to foster them and donating funds. The medical expenses required for some of these victims can be in the thousands and many of these perfect souls take years to rehabilitate. We encourage you all to support the groups willing to take in these dogs and who remain committed to giving them the lives they so rightfully deserve no matter how long or how much it takes.

The first picture is Sugar Mama and the second is Gummy Bear.

Sugar Mama and Gummy Bear are two of eight dogs Pit Sisters rescued from Putnam County Animal Control after they were confiscated as part of a dog fighting bust. Sugar Mama and Gummy Bear both have serious medical issues. Gummy Bear was diagnosed with Babesia, an illness common in dog fighting dogs. He is currently undergoing treatment for this disease. Sugar Mama most likely has a herniated disc in her spine and goes for a neurological consultation this week to determine the extent of her condition and the appropriate treatment.

Both of those dogs passed their temperament testing with flying colors and are very sweet dogs. They both deserve a chance at a good life and Pit Sisters truly appreciates Rebecca Corry and the Stand Up For Pits Foundation for assisting us with medical costs as they are forecasted to be in the thousands of dollars.

#standupforpits #enddogfighting



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