We received a letter from a fellow PIBBLE marcher, advocate and proud Pibble mom and decided to share. We will work on sharing more of the letters we receive like this because being inspired is something we can always all use more of. To know we are all making an impact and continuing to be the change we want to see gives us power and with that power we can and will save more lives.

SUFP Foundation thanks Amanda and all of you like her who are actively doing all you can to help save the lives of our inherently good dogs. We are truly all in this together.
#standupforpits #betheirvoice #endbsl #enddogfighting

“I seriously can’t thank you enough for what you do – I have always been an animal lover but Rebecca Corry and Stand Up For Pits inspired me and gave me the tools I needed to start actively advocating for animals and especially pits.

I volunteer with an animal rescue in Durham, NC and in the last year I have started a community education program through the rescue.  Since I got to write the lessons, breed discrimination, pit bull abuse and advocating for pit bulls have been discussed in every classroom we’ve been in so far J Animal rescue and advocacy is action but it’s also a mindset and my life changed on the day of the Pibble March.  Thank you for your amazing work and for inspiring others to join the cause and for teaching them how.

If SUFP ever needs anything in NC – you can call on me!”
