
Time for America to wake up to the dogfighting epidemic in our land of the free home of the brave first world country. Where there is dogfighting, there is ALWAYS other crime. Drugs, weapons, arson, assault, theft, rape, murder. You or your loved ones could be next.
ALWAYS REPORT DOGFIGHTING! To report dogfighting in Los Angeles County call 1-877-777-2585. (Live English and Spanish speaking operators)

Tips go directly to investigators. If your tip leads to an arrest or conviction of a dogfighter you may receive an up to $5000 reward paid for by HSUS. Your information will always remain private and confidential.
It is a felony to fight dogs, make preparations to fight dogs or attend a dogfight.
Be aware and always be willing to be the voice of the voiceless. Our communities are not safe with animal abusers in them. Where there is dogfighting there is always other crime. Their violence does not stop with animals. You could be next.
National tip line number is 1-877-TIP-HSUS. (It is a recording)

#enddogfighting #standupforpits