
Every dollar the SUFP Foundation donates, every mind we change through education, every life we help, every life we save, all the missions and groups we support around the country, our dogfighting tip line…everything we have done and do daily is all because of Angel. Because Angel lived, many more have and will continue to get that chance. Angel lives on in all we do forever.

While all our efforts are always for and about the dogs it is nice when those we support give a thanks or share follow up stories with how our events, support and funds have helped their dogs and missions. It’s always inspiring, appreciated and I believe, important.

Today we received these awesome photos from BARCS Animal Shelter in Baltimore and wanted to share. They named one of their “Pooch Palaces” after Angel! So sweet, very classy and means a lot. Thank you BARCS!

If you’re not familiar with the amazing work BARCS does please take a moment to check them out and support the hard work they do.


#standupforpits #angelforever


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