
We thank all of those who continue to support the Stand Up For Pits Foundation and our mission to end abuse, discrimination and save lives. Here are a few hippos and updates about how working together has and continues to help improve and save lives.

Todd and Lucille are now safe and currently at daycare/training and the SUFP Foundation is paying for them daily to be there as well as their food and paid Todd’s vet bills. Todd and Lucille are both available for adoption. While fostering Olive SUFP paid for her food, vet visit and meds for a skin infection. SUFP funded Amala’s (the shepherd mix) double knee replacement surgery and SUFP was able to pay for daycare for sweet Olive for 7 months until getting adopted by her amazing humans. SUFP just donated $200 to LoveLeo Rescue for a dog who’s leg had to be amputated and the little hippo with mange in the bottom right corner was pulled and is being cared for by Bully Paws because of funds raised at Stand Up For Pits in Arlington VA in May and she is doing great!

Just 4 weeks ago, the SUFP Foundation donated $13,000.00 in Angel grants to nonprofits around the country and awarded 8 additional groups $300 worth of Honest Kitchen food to each of them. (We were never contacted by or given the mailing addresses of the other 2 groups who were awarded)

In addition to contributing to front line rescue efforts, support of community and educational programs and high medical needs cases we also fund and operate the Los Angeles County dogfighting tip line.

We have never received grants from large organizations. We work hard and diligently for every penny we raise and we are proud to help at the level we do with what we have but there is always endless amounts more to be done.

To be a part of much needed change you can make a tax deductible donation at standupforpits.us, purchase our merchandise, attend our events, choose us as your Amazon Smile charity and/or donate silent auction items to this year’s Los Angeles Stand Up For Pits event. For further questions about how you can help or if you’d like to become an official sponsor email [email protected].
