img_2515This is Angel, Nana, Calista and Lucille. Not one of them was “raised with love.” Not one of the was “good, because of how they were raised.” They are good because they were born that way. They are “good” because it is inherently who they are and not even the evils of humanity could break them of that.
It is time people who are the voice of pit bull “type” dogs stop perpetuating the idea that their goodness is conditional by using this language. Every time someone says “it is how you raise them” or “they can be good if you treat them right”, they are wrong. These dogs prove day in and day out, year after year after year, time and time again, that their spirits, capacity and willingness to love and be loved no matter what has been done to them or “how they were raised” is bigger and better than we as humans could ever comprehend.
If you choose to be the voice of the most discriminated, tortured and killed “type” of dog on earth than it is your responsibility to speak their truth and use your words wisely and accurately when educating others.
The lives in this photo and the millions of others like them are BORN INHERENTLY GOOD and their goodness is not conditional.
#fact #standupforpits #responsibleadvocating #truth #inherentlygood #pitbulltypedogs #fact


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