Kaley Cuoco is the real deal. She walks the walk. She is kind and generous and expects nothing in return. She is not a celebrity attached to a cause so as to appeal to more people. She truly and simply wants the abuse and discrimination against pit bull “type” dogs of which she is a proud parent to two (Ms. Shirley and precious Norman) to end.
Year and after year, Kaley lends her talent, celebrity and giant heart to host Stand Up For Pits and in doing so she gives a much needed voice to our inherently good hippos. This video could have gone on and on with photos of her and Angel and all the work she does for animals. I am beyond grateful for Kaley and her dedication to using her platform to help save lives and all those fighting for our dogs should be too. Kaley (and her amazing family, who also support) make the world a better place and I’m honored to stand with her tomorrow and however long it takes until our society stops vilifying and needlessly taking innocent lives. I’m equally as honored to call her my friend. Angel loved Kaley and so do I.
We all thank you Kaley, for doing what you can to make communities safer for humans and pets and we/I look forward to celebrating the beautiful life of our Angel and all like her tomorrow with you at Stand Up For Pits.
To learn more about the Stand Up For Pits Foundation and how you can help end abuse, discrimination and save lives, go to standupforpits.us.
#standupforpits #angelforever #kaleycuoco