angel-her-mommy-tele-415-dsc_0980-151107Every Thanksgiving I woke up at 5am and took Angel to the Santa Monica beach. She never wanted to get up and would look at me like I had a dick growing out of my face. It was dark and cold outside but I’d tell her to trust me and that she’d thank me later. I’d scoop her off the bed (yes, I’d lift her all the time) and get her in the car.
The beach would be empty, the sound of the ocean loud and the perfectly manicured sand was cold. Angel loved kicking up and doing zoomies in the sand and pranced around like a puppy. When the sun started to rise the beach changed a million different colors. Angel would shuffle around finding sand dollars, digging through piles of seaweed or find garbage some douche canoe left and I’d freak out and take it from her. She honestly had no interest in garbage but she thought it was funny watching me chase her panicked that she’d found dirty garbage. Sometimes she’d chase a bird but mid run remember I had chicken treats and come running back to me. When the sun was fully out, we’d find a place in the now warm sand and lay there. She worshiped the warmth and would close her eyes but her big buttery nose would always keep moving. I’d stare at her and wonder what she’s finding out from all the smells. Every now and then she’d peak open her eyes, lift up her head and look around. Her ears would twitch at certain sounds but she always remained dedicated to that moment, her peace and the joy she felt in it. I remember I’d look at her and think, one day this calming, wise, hilarious source of pure joy will be gone. I’d become overwhelmed with fear and sadness but then I’d look at her living solely in the moment and I’d immediately pull it together. Her dedication to the present taught and reminds me daily that to live in the past or future disrespects the present and that the now, this moment, is what’s real and all we truly have.
Hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving and remember to enjoy this moment with your hippos and have gratitude for every now you’re given. -Rebecca Corry