IMG_7636Spay/Neuter ANGEL Day happens in 13 day and already the Dover TN clinic which will fix 60 animals, Columbus OH clinic which fix 35 pit bull “type” dogs and the Baltimore clinic which will fix 28 pit bull type dogs are FULL!!!!!
The other clinics in the remaining cities are filling up quickly so PLEASE share this with others!!
SUFP is offering 8 FREE clinics in SEVEN cities being fully funded by the @standupforpitsfoundation on April 2nd in loving memory and honor of our Angel.
On April 2nd, an estimated 400 animals will be spayed and neutered and by doing so, countless lives will be saved and we could not be more excited about it!
The cost of this effort is $25,000.00 and is something SUFP would like to continue and expand further on but simply put, it takes donations. So, we are asking everyone to please consider making a tax deductible donation to this much needed and extremely effective effort at By donating you will help prevent unwanted animals from entering the shelter system and dying there. Efforts like this treat the problem and not the symptom. This is not rocket science or a new idea, however to our knowledge, this is the first national effort of it’s kind and that has to change. Preventing unwanted animals from ending up in shelters to begin with is a real effective way to prevent millions of innocent lives from being lost.
#standupforpits #angelforever


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