18077287_664754843733201_9117058172179469430_oAttention Lovers of pibbles, velvet hippos, land seals, and every goofy dog on this planet!!!!


It is with sadness and anger that I inform you that yet another Canadian province wants to enact BSL in order to eliminate dogs of a certain appearance from their territory. The Quebec government wants to pass provincial “Dangerous Dog” bill that will classify all dogs of a certain breed or with a certain appearance as dangerous and illegal. Bill 128 gives the government the right to amend this list and ban additional breeds at any time on a whim. As of now their current goal is to ban both “Pit Bull type” dogs and Rottweilers.

Public Security Minister Martin Coiteux said, “The government is intent on banning pit bull type dogs.”

The Quebec government is blatantly going against all scientific studies and expert recommendations provided by the committee that they assembled to evaluate the issue of potentially dangerous dogs. They are instead implementing an ineffective, costly, and discriminatory system that is and always has been rooted in fear, hate, and ignorance. As a society, these are the things we are supposed to be moving away from and abolishing.

The city of Calgary has the most effective animal by law in the continent, and probably the world. The Calgary model is completely breed neutral while focusing on responsible ownership, obtainable training, and public education. Calgary has both the highest registration rate and lowest bite rate in North America because of this system. Yet after this system has proven successful and BSL has proven to be a complete failure municipalities and provinces continue to react ignorantly and hatefully out of fear.

The world thinks more of Canada than this, or used to anyway. For a nation that boasts of compassion and acceptance Bill 128 is the antithesis of these ideals. Compassion is not limited to the way we treat humans alone. In the words of Albert Einstien, ”Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it’s beauty.”

Please join together and be the voice of the voiceless in Quebec. Another provincial wide breed ban will be devastating to the fight against canine profiling and sentence countless healthy dogs to die solely because of their looks. There are many ways to help fight no matter where you are.

Please call, fax, email, tweet, message and comment on the posts of Canadian elected officials, in particular Martin Coiteux and Justin Trudeau. Let them know the error of this path and the shameful dark stain that it will leave on Canada. If you speak French it is advantageous to write the Quebec officials in French.

Martin Coiteux
Phone: 418-643-2112
Fax: 418-646-6168
Email: [email protected]
Twitter/FB: @CoiteuxMartin

Justin Trudeau
Phone: 613-995-0253
Fax: 613-947-0310
Email: [email protected]
Twitter/FB: @JustinTrudeau

Contacts for other Provincial Politicians:

Attend a protest. If you are in the general area or feel like making a trip to lend your voice to the voiceless there are protests and marches coming up that need big turn outs.

Ottawa, Saturday April 22nd

Quebec City, Sunday April 23rd

Montreal, Monday April 24th

Sign the petition

Donate to the SPCA/CPSPC Lawsuit against the city of Montreal

Whatever you do, never give up the fight for the innocent.

Thank you.


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