IMG_2886These stories are literally stomach turning but unfortunately they are far too common. This man has been identified but so far no charges have been made as they say there is more investigating to be done. He had two other dogs with him. The link to the full story in my bio. If you or someone you know has any information about this individual, please contact the officials handling the investigation. Photographing and filming animal abuse is now one of the most effective ways to get it the attention it needs and deserves. If someone would not have photographed this, it would have likely never even been known yet the media continues to make a dog bite incident (also the fault of ignorant and irresponsible humans) front page news.
A human being capable of doing this to an animal is far more dangerous than any dog of any kind could be ever be and this story and all like he them should be front page national news. It’s clearly up to US, the tax paying, law abiding citizens, to expose and report animal abusers and it’s up to our law makers to make laws where the punishment actually fits the crime. If your law makers and city officials do not see animal cruelty as a social and safety issue for humans and pets, then call them out and see to it they don’t serve another term. Make your voices heard. These are our animals and our communities and this has got to stop.


#standupforpits #endabuse #reportdogfighting #reportanimalabuse #betheirvoice


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