Many of you have been following the story of Izzy. I haven’t posted because it’s been a constant work in progress and wanted to wait till things were solidified.
Izzy was a adopted from a shelter and has been living in a home with other dogs and a couple for 5 years. They say Izzy recently started showing reactive behavior. Their vet told them to euthanize her, so they made an appointment to do so while also reaching out to rescues for help and advice. After we got their letter, the SUFP Foundation did exactly that. We helped and as a result Izzy is alive today.
We had several correspondences with them and even committed to pay for training (since she had never seen a trainer) as long as they agreed to not euthanize. They agreed which was great but Izzy would still need a home after training, so SUFP found a rescue to take Izzy on completely. On Sunday Izzy was relinquished to the Barking Lot Rescue in San Diego who will now be handling her socialization and placement into a loving home. SUFP donated $3000.00 that was going to pay for training to the rescue to help with Izzy’s care. Many of you wanted to donate and we said to hold off until we knew what was happening. Now we know, so if you’d like to contribute to this effort, you can donate directly to SUFP at standupforpits.us. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks to those who took the time to reach out to Izzy’s owners and offer advise and solutions.
We also want to mention that in addition to the sizable donation to the Barking Lot, SUFP will remain committed to networking Izzy until she finds a home and we ask for your continued help with that.
Thank you @calistathepitbull and @goldylok13 for your help and dedication to little Izzy.
Shelters and rescues are overflowing with owner surrenders and sadly, many of the shelter surrenders won’t ever make it out. Izzy is one of the lucky ones.
Dogs are souls encased in velvet and every one of them matters. They are not disposable. They are lives. Till death do you part or find solutions. PERIOD. #izzywins #standupforpits #adopt #responsiblepetownership


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