Todd and Sally didn’t save themselves. The SUFP Foundation did and continue to save and help countless others. In addition to saving lives SUFP is dedicated to educating and advocating on behalf of pit bull “type” dogs. These dogs are born inherently good and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity and not be discriminated against, vilified and destroyed and we will continue to be a loud much needed voice on their behalf in any way we can for as long as it takes. Additionally, we don’t post about every dog, group or individual we help but would like to mention that we recently spayed and neutered 428 animals in 8 cities around the country and continually provide grants to nonprofit rescues. So far this year the SUFP Donation Drive has raised over $22,000 worth of shelter supplies nationwide, we’ve gotten dogs adopted through our posts and live events and we remain dedicated to funding and operating LA County’s only dogfighting tip line, which serves over 10 million people. There is endless amount of work to be done and sadly none of it’s free. So, today we’re asking you to consider making a tax deductible donation at We’re a small but mighty grass roots organization and we give large donations and support to groups and individuals all over the country because we know it takes a village to clean up the mess humans have created. We also know that every person has the power and responsibility to be an active part of change and by doing so, will make communities safer for humans and pets. So please encourage others to attend Stand Up For Pits events as we are in 13 cities this year and tickets are available now at and/or donate. And to all the groups and individuals who’ve been recipients of our financial support and help, go ahead and hit repost and share. Support goes both ways and has a much bigger impact. Thank you!
#standupforpits #angelforever