
Yesterday we visited our dear friend Marc Ching to address Sally’s cancer. Aside from being knowledgeable, helpful and a staple to the holistic care of countless animals and humans, the work Marc and his @animalhopeandwellness does is exceptional and brave. Yesterday SUFP granted his foundation $1500.00 to assist his efforts in ending the horror that is the Yulin festival. Please take a moment to educate yourselves on the work he does.

Stand Up For Pits events allow us to run programs, make large contributions and save lives in many different capacities. From front line rescue efforts to high medical needs cases to spay/neuter. Stand Up For Pits events also provide endless opportunities to educate, advocate, place dogs in need of homes, raise funds for nonprofits and thousands of dollars worth of shelter supplies for animals stuck in the system nationwide.

Aside from being one of the nations funnest fundraisers, Stand Up For Pits events are effective and create much needed change. Go to standupforpits.us to learn more and then get yourself a ticket to one or all of these shows. We keep ticket costs affordable because we want you to come be a part of the solution. If you’re unable to attend Stand Up For Pits, please consider making a tax deductible donation at standupforpits.us. There is no small contribution. It all helps. We thank and appreciate all who remain dedicated to our inherently good dogs. There is much work to be done.



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