The SUFP Donation Drives raised a whopping $77,061.00 for shelters nationwide this year. That is a massive jump from the $43,000.00 we raised last year. This special thanks goes out to every person who took a moment to share the  Donation Drive posters on social media, printed them and hung them and stayed on the shelters to also let people know about it locally. Hollywood comes in at the highest with $11,500 worth of supplies while Tacoma, Arlington and Philly came in over $9500.00. It is always challenging getting people off their couches but it’s extremely exciting to see how many did just that this year and by doing so helped countless shelter animals. Thanks also to every volunteer who helped count, stack, load and drop off these supplies. Any animal in a shelter is never good but these items make a difference to them and that matters a lot. Thank you to the genius that is Sandi Bruegger for making every poster for every city and your dedication to helping save lives. Next year the goal will be to raise over $100,000.00 and I’m confident that can and will happen if we all remain dedicated and keep it about the animals always.
Thank you all again so much! You are proof of the good that can happen when we all work together.
#standupforpits #america #angelforever


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