Polk county piece of human garbage gets 15 years in prison on 214 counts connected to dogfighting. 100 ABUSED and STARVED dogs found on property.
This should be front page national news. Share this!!Dogfighting is an epidemic in our country and gets no attention. The sociopaths who fight dogs are in all communities, in all tax brackets, are all ethnicities and they are a danger to society. Where there is dogfighting, there is always other crime. If you suspect someone is preparing to fight dogs, attends dogfights, breeds dogs to sell for fighting or is currently running a dogfighting operation or has any affiliation … REPORT IT!!! And stay diligent.
To report dogfighting in Los Angeles County call 1-877-777-2585.
National Tip Line is 1-877-TIP-HSUS
#standupforpits #reportdogfighting #betheirvoice