TOOTSIE HAS BEEN ADOPTED!! SUFP is thrilled to have a part in this perfect sou’s new life. Congrats Tootsie!!


Well it’s official, Tootsie is adopted! A couple of weeks ago, Stand Up For Pits Foundation, Inc shared a picture I sent to Rebecca Corry. A simple post of her picture promoting the comedy show and our donation supply drive. We received a message “What is her name?” Next thing you know, we are making arrangements for them to drive up from IN to meet Toots. It was love at first sight.
Yesterday, Anabell and I did the meet and greet with the family’s 2 dogs and the home visit. This was meant to be as they are less than 10 minutes from the barn where we keep the Chicagoland Bully Breed Rescue and visits will be easy!

As a foster mom, I always hope that what they learn from The Midgies of CBBR and myself stays with them. Every 3 hours she would let out this tiny whimper to go out. Every 3 hours Monkey would smack my shoulder or face with her paw like I didn’t hear her. Up we went to go outside and they were back asleep in under 5 minutes. While I stayed awake for at least an hour. I’ve been sleep deprived and cranky. Yesterday, all day and night – at least until I fell into an uninterrupted 7 hours of sleep – I hoped that she would continue her progress of no potty accidents at night.

Congrats to her new family!


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