Loretta was found as a stray and has endured nothing short of hell at the hands of humans. Live Love Animal Rescue took her on and the Stand Up For Pits Foundation, Inc has donated $5000.00 to cover all the surgeries she will need in order to live a comfortable and healthy life.
We thank Live Love Animal Rescue for their willingness to take this kind soul on and stay committed to her long journey ahead. We are honored to be a part of that and thrilled we’re able to provide the much needed funds needed for her medical care.
I will never stop yelling… DO NOT SUPPORT BREEDERS. And if you know someone is backyard breeding dogs, REPORT THEM. It is intolerable what these poor dogs go through so human garbage can line their pockets. And the burden backyard breeders give the animal welfare community is unacceptable. Breeder should be the ones covering the cost of all the over bred, dying and sick dogs they have strapped to rape stands for profit. Breeders should also suffer consequences for contributing to the loss of millions of innocent lives by bringing more dogs into population while millions die in shelters.
We will be posting updates on precious Loretta’s long journey ahead and wish her nothing but the happiness, respect and love she has always deserved.
#BANBREEDERS #standupforpits


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