Fear based ignorance has and continues to cost innocent dog’s their lives. Dog’s labeled “pit bulls” are in fact born INHERENTLY GOOD. Human are and always have been the problem. Not dogs. Wrongly vilifying and blaming the victims is intolerable and must end and it’s up to all of us to stay dedicated to educating the uneducated and by doing so, change the social consciousness about these sweet, smart and loving dogs.

Buying this shirt will help the Stand Up For Pits Foundation continue to do all we can to educate, advocate and save lives and will provide you countless opportunities to educate and advocate for our dogs. We are their voice and in fact their only chance at life.

We thank all of you who remain dedicated to this cause and these dogs and encourage you to inspire others to do the same. There is much work that needs to be one when millions of dogs are dying needlessly every year at the hands of humans.

To learn more about the Stand Up For Pits Foundation, Inc mission and efforts go look right here at standupforpits.us which is where you can buy these new pieces!


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