Buy it, wear it, educate society while supporting the work the Stand Up For Pits Foundation does for shelter dogs.
There is a crisis if epic proportions happeningnin America and yet people actually believe dumping dogs at shelters is perfectly fine. Shelters are not safe havens for dogs, they are a facility where humans who are failing a dog (or any animal) can dump a life and go about their day. There is zero accountability for those who dump dogs yet year after year millions of dogs are killed in shelters. The information shelter staff are told by the people dumping the dog is believed and in most cases determines that dog’s fate. Dogs don’t thrive in shelters. They suffer. They are confused, scared and exposed to illnesses. Simply put, no dog belongs or deserves to be in a shelter even for a minute. The poplulation is out of control, breeding is out of control and irresponsible ownership is out of control. Lack of shelter staff, volunteers and resources continues to go unnoticed by leaders in cities and counties nationwide.
If you make the decision to share your life with a dog, then you are making a lifelong committment. DOGS ARE NOT DISPOSABLE.
