SUFP Official SponsorS
We are facing a shelter crisis.
Shelters around the country are at capacity and euthanizing healthy adoptable dogs of all ages including puppies in record numbers to make space. Some of these dogs have been at the “shelter” as little as 3 days. Rescues, organizations, no one can keep up. I’ve donated more than $200,000 through Cloud Haven which has helped provide funds for more than 850 dogs last year. I tried to help many more that were ultimately killed as they were given less than 72 hours- some only 24 hours. I’ve had many sleepless nights and have networked through the night – and still so many beautiful lives were lost. Most shelter dogs have no cute videos or pictures of any kind, no one to fight for them at all. There are no laws to protect these dogs, nothing in place to control breeding despite the numbers of euthanasia. It’s time to raise awareness. Man’s best friend is suffering from stereotypes, and being impacted at record numbers by homelessness, abuse, and euthanasia. Yet most don’t know. The next chapter of Cloud Haven has to be awareness, inspiring people looking for a companion animal to get out and adopt a shelter dog. I’ve aligned a new sponsorship with the Stand Up for Pits Foundation to help support the greatest driver of change for our bully breeds and shelter dogs that I know. I invite you to come along and join the fight for man’s best friend.
– Tish Linendoll Ivie
Cloud Haven Founder
Cloud Haven is a proud sponsor of Stand Up For Pits Foundation, Inc. our sponsorship contributes $5,000 a month and will through the end of 2024.
These funds are used to end abuse, discrimination and save the lives of pit bull “type” dogs. We look forward to doing more and with your help we can.
Your purchase of Cloud Haven merchandise will help further our mission of saving and helping more shelter dogs. This country is in crisis and Cloud Haven is dedicated to doing all we can to help make a much-needed change.
Pablo’s Paw Prints was created as a way to bring dog lovers together in providing a gift of hope, and life to homeless dogs. The dogs that don’t understand why they were dropped off by their family. They used to have a family, a warm bed, and plenty of toys and food. Life changed, and now it is a cold concrete floor, in a noisy shelter. All of us have walked through these shelters and experienced the tears.
As dog parents, we had purchased our fair share of dog related clothing, so we decided to put our artistic skills to the test, design a few dog related t-shirts, open an online store, and donate a portion of the profits to the dog rescue community.