Dear anyone who may be confused,
I’ll sign only what I know. I won’t promote your Pit Bull documentary, book or merchandise cause you demand I do it. People who line their pockets off the plight of the Pit Bull can blow me. I will only post, share and like what I believe in. I can’t place your unwanted dog cause you had a baby and now don’t have time nor is it my responsibility. I won’t send funds to rescues who are unethical, nontransparent and see special needs animals as cash cows and a way to get publicity and if you ask me to, expect to be called out on it. And to anyone who claims to be an “expert” in any way in the animal community then criticizes others for doing what they can the best way they can….well…you are worse than the sociopaths killing our dogs and should be ashamed of yourselves. Your ego, greed and agenda is killing our dogs and tainting the efforts of advocates and rescuers with ethics doing great work. After 6 years and hundreds of ignorant emails, I’m finally pissed. I don’t do this to make friends. I do this to save dogs and if that “agenda” isn’t one that you agree with, you can eat a bowl of dicks. I’m going nowhere nor are our thousands and thousands of supporters around the world. Deal with it. To all the amazing forward thinking humans standing up for Pits, keep doing what you can. It’s YOU who are creating the change you want to see and I stand beside you all the way.-Rebecca Corry