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sufp and millan foundations

sufp and millan foundations

"Cesar Millan holding up a SUFP Foundation Angel T-shirt at the premiere of his show Cesar911. Lets be honest, in my house Angel runs shit. I couldn't be further from a pack leader or rule enforcer. That said I am an extremely responsible pet owner and I do what is...

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SUFP announces NYC donation drive!!!

SUFP announces NYC donation drive!!!

We are thrilled to announce we will be doing a Donation Drive in NYC to benefit the animals of the Sean Casey Animal Rescue facilities!! The last two donation drives we did in LA and Seattle garnered thousands of dollars worth of items that benefitted 3 shelters...

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friendly reminder

friendly reminder

Report dog fighters. Call 911 and call 1-877-TIP-HSUS. Do not engage with dogfighting pages on FB or Instagram. Screen shot all of it and report that too. If you do not get an immediate response from law enforcement, KEEP CALLING and reporting. Provide them with as...

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HUMans are dangerous

HUMans are dangerous

Humans have deemed this "type" of dog "inherently dangerous" yet daily, they endure heinous acts of violence and discrimination by humans but still have nothing but love to give. They don't forget what was done to them, they choose to not dwell on it. They can come...

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GRacie still needs a home!!

GRacie still needs a home!!

Sweet Gracie girl STILL needs a home! We are sharing her in hopes this beauty will get her happily ever after. Please consider sharing Gracie with others or inviting this little hippo into your home. HERE IS A NOTE FROM Gracie's amazing foster dad Erik. "GRACIE is...

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SUFP thanks Banksy

SUFP thanks Banksy

HUGE thank you to the admin of Banksy account for tweeting Angel and the SUFP Foundation's messages of TRUTH to 1.1 million people. ‪#‎betheirvoice‬

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sufp helps puppy hit by car

sufp helps puppy hit by car

This baby hippo was hit by a car in a part of Los Angeles called Watts. He was a stray we were told was roaming around a school. When he got hit by the car some good samaritans stepped in made a home made splint with tape and took him to the shelter. We then were...

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THIS is Charlotte! This precious hippo was abandoned in a Jack in the Box parking lot in Riverside CA and rescued by amazing humans and SUFP Foundation long time supporters Mo Collins and her husband Alex Skuby. On their way home from Palm Springs they stopped to use...

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Report dog fighters. Call 911 and call 1-877-TIP-HSUS. Do not engage with dogfighting pages on FB or Instagram.  Screen shot all of it and report that too. If you do not get an immediate response from law enforcement, KEEP CALLING and reporting.  Provide them with as...

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hollywood hippo!

hollywood hippo!

Last night Angel was got caught by the paparazzi taking a walk with her aunt Kelly Brook (model, actress and star of NBC's One Big Happy). After this photo was taken Angel told the paparazzi "I'm just like everyone else and I have to poop." ‪#‎Hollywood‬...

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Jazzy’s Going to her Forever Home!!!

Jazzy’s Going to her Forever Home!!!

Jazzy has been adopted and is being transported to the Michigan tomorrow morning! The SUFP Foundation is covering the cost of her transport and we're able to facilitate this because of your support. Fostering is VITAL in providing the opportunity at second chances and...

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The human at the end of the chain, rope or leash is the problem. Pitbull type dogs are the victims of human ignorance and violence on a DAILY basis. BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) is not and has never been a solution to making communities safe. It is a costly and an...

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More Poison Found in Dog Food

More Poison Found in Dog Food

Dog foods are recalled all the time but rarely make the news until money and law suits are involved. Here is the latest big case and here is one of the links where you can check and see if your dog or cat food has been recalled. You will be shocked at how many foods...

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KELLY brook stands up for pits!

KELLY brook stands up for pits!

The stunning, talented and giant hearted Kelly Brook rocking the Stand Up For Pits Foundation onesie jumpsuit! We thank her for the support and love of the queen velvety one herself, Ms. Angel. Kelly is starring on a new show called "One Big Happy" premiering March...

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Factually there is nothing more dangerous on earth than human beings. Factually, people who abuse animals will likely and most often times DO go on to commit crimes against humans. Fact-where there is dog fighting there is other crime and often against humans....

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To perpetuate untruths is reckless and irresponsible.  FACTUALLY their is no such thing a breed called "Pitbull" and FACTUALLY and SCIENTIFICALLY the jaws of such "type" dogs DO NOT and have NEVER locked.  Please continue to educate others with the truth.

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Our Funny Valentine

Our Funny Valentine

ANGEL is just that.   A precious Angel and the inspiration for the SUFP Foundation.  We hope you all had a happy and safe Valentines Day filled with Pibble love!

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There is no such thing as a breed called "Pitbull." Pitbull is a generic term used to describe a "type" of dog because factually, there is no proper definition of a Pitbull. DNA evidence shows that dogs identified as "Pitbulls" are most often a mixes of several breeds...

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MEET Gracie!!

MEET Gracie!!

This precious hippo is Gracie and she needs herself a loving forever home.  We are sharing this on behalf of SUFP Foundation support Erik Baiers who is fostering precious Gracie. "GRACIE is just about the greatest dog there is. She loves people to death - especially...

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making communities safe for humans and pets

making communities safe for humans and pets

Here are the two Rottweilers the SUFP Foundation paid to have fixed and the new fence we funded! We are proud of their owner for accepting our help, building the fence and once again happy to be a part of making our communities safer for humans and pet....

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Bill Burr becomes Honorary SUFP Foundation Board Member!!!

Bill Burr becomes Honorary SUFP Foundation Board Member!!!

It is our absolute honor to announce that not only is Bill Burr one of the funniest humans on earth, a proud Pibble dad and supporter but he is now an official SUFP Foundation Honorary Board Member! We love thank Bill for his years of supporting this Foundation and...

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Enough is enough

Enough is enough

The SUFP Foundation has helped several individuals with front line rescues we trusted were honest, committed, qualified to foster and could responsibly provide care for a dog regardless if that individual had been approved by or was affiliated with a rescue or...

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oh boy!!!

oh boy!!!

Oh boy!!!!!! Due to all the requests we've gotten we now offer the Stand Up For Pits Foundation onesie jumpsuits for women and MEN in black AND grey! Boom!! 100% of profits (after cost) go directly to the SUFP Foundation. Preorders for the black onesies begin now but...

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